Conduit Launching Support for Rollup-Boost with Flashbots: Enhance User Experience and Internalize MEV
Flashbots Rollup-Boost now available for Conduit rollups. Internalize MEV and improve user experience.

We’re excited to announce that today, we’re partnering with Flashbots to give Conduit rollups a potent new differentiator: Rollup-Boost.
With Rollup-Boost, Conduit rollups can:
- Improve user experience
- Internalize MEV and maximize sequencer revenue
- Access powerful coprocessing capabilities, and more
Rollup-Boost makes all this possible with trusted execution environments (TEEs). TEEs enable rollups to incorporate new, powerful pieces of infrastructure that are both scalable and trustless, with new levels of security guarantees. Rollup-Boost currently provides a TEE-based block builder that gives rollups more control over MEV, while new features like TEE-based validity proofs, parallel execution, and more are on the way. Combined with other Conduit offerings like our high-performance G2 sequencer, Conduit Account Abstraction, and fast finality via OP Succinct, Rollup-Boost puts your chain on the cutting edge of performance, scalability, and user experience.
If you’d like to get Rollup-Boost on your chain, contact us here. Keep reading for more information on Rollup-Boost and why we’re excited to bring it to the Conduit ecosystem.
Rollup-Boost puts you in charge of MEV with TEE Block Building
To provide fast inclusion guarantees to users, most rollups today utilize a centralized, private mempool that only the sequencer can access. While that can benefit user experience, it also reduces transparency and centralizes the block building process around the sequencer.
Rollup-Boost solves this problem by enhancing the mempool with TEE-based block builders that require no trust from either users or the rollup operator. In Rollup-Boost, the rollup operator sets transparent rules around how transactions are ordered. Users and other participants in the system can then publicly verify these rules. Before being finalized, each new block is assembled and executed in the TEE, with verification that the block followed the operator’s rules broadcast publicly in the form of a cryptographic hash. All participants can know with certainty that the transaction ordering rules are being followed on each new block, without actually having to view the transactions directly.
Rollup-Boost also allows rollups to improve user experience by filtering out reverted transactions and using block space more efficiently. From the user’s perspective, this means fewer transaction failures and instances of surprise price slippage. Transactions simply execute as expected on submission.
Rollups can also maximize sequencer revenue with Rollup-Boost by internalizing their chain’s MEV. While the exact increase is difficult to estimate and differs by rollup use case, validators saw increased block rewards of 300-500% when Flashbots released this functionality on Ethereum mainnet, and the opportunity will only grow as rollup usage increases. Rollups can keep this new sequencer revenue or distribute it to users and apps on their chain. The reward mechanisms enabled by distributable MEV can be a powerful new growth lever for rollups.
Rollup-Boost has new features on the way to promote user experience and decentralization
For too long, chain operators have looked at user experience and decentralization as a tradeoff. With Rollup-Boost, Conduit has enabled rollups to get all the benefits of MEV and decentralized block building with none of the previous costs to user experience. Over time, we can move beyond block building by inserting TEEs at other points in the rollup stack.
For instance, rollups can use TEEs to implement multi-prover for faster finality and increased safety from prover bugs. Under the rollup-centric roadmap, rollups must over time transition to Stage 2 decentralization, which calls for trustless fault proofs. TEEs can accelerate this process by acting as a second prover in addition to an optimistic or ZK proof system, allowing them to depower their security councils and transition to Stage 2 faster.
TEEs can also act as another source of compute for rollups by running as a coprocessor to the rollup itself, enabling the chain to process more activity and run more powerful apps. By providing rollups with more computational power similar to advanced sequencers like our recently released Conduit G2, TEEs will enable new, compute-intensive onchain use cases that weren’t previously possible. One example is the Flashbots-affiliated tee_hee_he project, which utilizes TEEs to power a fully autonomous onchain agent. We’re confident that Conduit rollups will be at the forefront of innovations enabled by Rollup-Boost.
Contact us here if you’d like to launch a Rollup-Boost-enabled chain with Conduit or add Rollup-Boost to an already-deployed chain.